
[symple_toggle title=”News Archive”]News Archive. Postings on the web site for the period September 2000 to the present.[/symple_toggle] [symple_toggle title=”Anniversaries of Deceased Clergy”] List of deceased bishops, priests and deacons of the Archdiocese by month.

[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”January” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 1st Fr Ludger van der Sande OFM Cap (1966)
 2nd Mgr John Colgan (1949):  Fr Joseph Coyne CSsR (1982)
 3rd Fr Joseph Griffith (1866):  Fr Michael Brassil SDB (1989)
 5th Dcn John Davis (2009)
 6th Mgr John O’Rourke (1974)
 7th Fr James Duignam (1931)
 8th Fr Peter McCusker SDB (1963)
 9th Fr Brendan Maginty OP (1972): Fr Edward Corish CSsR (1992)
10th Fr Bonaventure Perquin OP (1970)
12th Mgr Frederick Kolbe (1936) : Fr Edward Lumley-Holmes CSsR (2006) : Fr Werner Stafflinger (2019)
14th Fr Michael Murray SDB (1981)
16th Fr Leo Barry MHM (1943)
17th Bp Francis Hennemann SAC (1951)
18th Fr Casimir Butler OFM Cap (1958)
20th  Fr Joseph Casey SDB (1947)
21st  Fr Tom Donaghy (2010)
22nd Fr Francis Treanor SDB (1996)
24th Dr Denis McAuliffe (1938):  Fr Frederick Leicher (1960) : Dcn William Foley (2011) :
Fr Bram Martijn (2023)
26th Dr Charles McCarthy (1928)
27th Fr Joseph Rockliff (1946) : Fr Aloysius Carroll SDB (2006)
28th  Fr William Tait SDB (1978)
29th Bp Thomas Grimley (1871) (2nd resident bishop)
30th Abp John Gordon (1981) (5th Apostolic Delegate) : Fr Irvin Mannoe (2008) :
Fr Joseph Boswell (2008)
31st Dcn Eric Haupt (2014)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”February” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 1st Dcn Karel Muzik (1996)
 2nd Fr John Wiseman SDB (1989):  Dr Bernard McMahon (1882)
 7th Fr Matthew Bonner CSsR (1981)
 8th Fr Harold Bleach SDB (1976): Fr John Garlick (1984)
 9th Fr John Armstrong (1982)
11th Bp Aidan Devereux (1854): Fr James Kiernan (1868)
12th Mgr John O’Reilly (1935): Rev Jim O’Byrne OFM (1993): Dcn Alec Agsteribbe  (1997) : Dcn Sylvan Pather (2019)
13th Dcn Victor Gamba (2002): Dcn Alan Morris (2015)
17th Fr Henry McNamara (1933) : Dcn Richard Croucher (2012)
18th Bp William Morris OSB (1872) (2nd Vicar Apostolic: Cape/Mauritius)
19th Bp John Leonard (1908) (3rd Resident Bishop)
20th Fr Thomas Nolan (1923): Fr Valentin Tanaeff  (1992)
21st Fr Denis Peart (1950):  Fr Michael Brennan SDB (1978): Fr Gilbert Conroy CSsR (1980):
Fr Gerald Lorriman SJ (2011) : Fr Rowland Anderson CSsR (2023)
26th Bp John Rooney (1927) (4th Resident Bishop):  Fr Aeneas Tozzi SDB (1958)
Fr Victor Smeets O Praem (2001)
29th Fr Christopher Crowley OFM Cap (1984): Fr Patrick Kirwan (1992)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”March” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 1st Fr John Tyndall (1949)
 3rd Abp Martin Lucas SVD (1969) : Dcn A Ziegler (2001)
Dcn William Maritz (2005)
Archbishop Lawrence Patrick Henry (2014)
 7th Dcn Arthur Classen (2017)
 8th Fr Thomas Cullen (1929) ; 
 9th Mgr Michael McNulty (1978)
10th Fr Francis McManus (1967)
11th Fr Sebastian Lee OFM (1985) : Dcn Primo Bissolati (2004)
14th Fr Ronald Fletcher (1978): Fr John Hoey SDB (2002)
15th Fr Herbert Leach CSsR (1940)
16th Fr Alban O’Riley (1919) : Fr Mario Tessarotto CS (2023)
17th Fr Bernard Keaton CSsR (1970)
20th Fr Kevin Lenaghan SJ (1952)
21st Bp Ernest Green (1988)
22nd Fr Frank Whyte (2020)
23rd Fr Patrick Naughton (2022)
24th Fr Edward Kiernan (1980)
26th Fr William Pilkington CSsR (1977): Owen Cardinal McCann (1994)
27th Fr James Moran (1908):  Fr Isidore Lallemand SJ (1945): Fr Elipius Mangold OFM (1949)
28th Fr Johannes Lansink (1806) Fr Thomas O’Sullivan (1954) : Mgr Charles Watkins (1998)
29th Fr Luke McGuiness (1985)
31st Fr William Doyle CSsR (1977): Fr Basil van Rensburg (2002)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”April” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 3rd Fr Martin Hayes CSsR (1958)
 4th Fr Arthur Curry CSsR (1989) : Fr Brendan Long (2009)
 5th Fr Bernard O’Reilly (1865)
 6th Fr Mark Flynn CSsR (1988)
 8th Fr Alphonse Pollet SJ (1983)
 9th Fr Daniel Burke OFM (1839): Fr Edward Mitchinson (1993)
16th Dcn Ken Killian (2006)
17th Fr Richard Millen SDB (1955)
18th Fr Thomas Pickering CSsR (1964): Fr Ceslaus Hylands OP (1971) : Fr Sean Lunney CSsR (2022)
19th Mgr Desmond Hatton (1994)
20th Dcn John van Roosmalen (2005)
23rd Fr Patrick Dunne (1869):  Abp Alfredo Poledrini (1980) (6th Apostolic Delegate)
27th Fr Denis Fahy (2008)
28th Fr Damian Magrath OP (1982) : Fr Milton Strebel O Praem (2006)
29th Fr James Kelly (1933)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”May” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
  3rd Fr Edward Grey SDB (1978)
  5th Fr Jack Gillick SJ (2005)
  6th Fr Patrick Cosgrove CSsR (2002)
  9th Fr John Heighway OP (1973) : Fr Matthew Agostinelli SDB (2005) :
Dcn Rolf Schmidt (2010) ; Dcn Leno Meyers (2013) ; Dcn Raymond Dunlee (2013)
10th Fr Adam Connolly SDB (1987) : Fr Martin Daly SDB (2003)
11th Fr Luke O’Reilly (1942) : Dcn John Berry (2000)
12th Fr Francis Felipe SDB (1963)
13th Fr Ivanhoe Allies (2024)
14th Fr John Lawrence CSsR (1970)
15th Fr Patrick Quinlan (1982)
17th Mgr Jack Swan (1993)
18th Mgr Pieter van Ewijk OP (1886): Fr Albert Versmissen OPraem (1977)
Fr Peter Paul Feeny OP (1986)
19th Fr Laurence van Schoor (2007)
20th Fr Henry van Geest (1943):  Fr Edward Graham (1947):  Fr David Ross (1982)
Fr Philip Foster CSsR (1998).
22nd Fr John Osbourne CSsR (1969): Fr Cedric Myerscough SJ (2002)
23rd Fr David de Burgh SDB (1980) ; Fr Jan Kavelaars O Praem. (2012)
24th Fr Brian Power (1960):  Fr Daniel Lucey SDB (1984)
26th Fr Ernest Manasse OFM (1998)
27th Fr Henry Banahan (1961):  Fr William Butler SJ (1982):  Fr Oliver Conroy CSsR (1985)
28th Fr Peter Rooney (1960) ; Fr Anthony Mutetwa (2013)
30th Mgr John Morris VG (1954)
31st Fr Francis Hartin (1936):  Fr Ninian McManus OP (1980) : Dcn Luke Burgers (2001) :
Fr Claudio Rossi SJ (2006) : Dcn George Paynter (2022)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”June” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
  1st Fr Walter Kittelwesch (1929)
  2nd Fr Michael Hulgraine (2013)
  3rd Dcn Reuben Tana (1977): Mgr Cornelius Lynch (2001)
  4th Fr Eamonn O’Neill (1995)
  5th Fr Agathangelus O’Herlihy OFM Cap (1968): Fr Richard McElligott SDB (1980)
  6th Fr Hildebrand James OP (1971):  Rev Mr David Joshua (1993)
  7th Fr William Leeson (1940) : Dcn William September (1998) :
Dcn Leonard Bredeveldt (2003) ; Patrick Lonergan SDB (2013)
  8th Fr Frederick Haushahn (1944)
11th Fr Esmond Klimeck OP (1983)
12th Fr Lorenz Scheu SAC (1987); Abp John Garner (Abp Emeritus of Pretoria) (1993) :
Fr Lionel Manasse (2008)
13th Mgr Theodore Koenig SAC (1955)
15th Fr Alfred Rakauone (1971):  Bp Edward Slater OSB (1stVicar Apostolic of the Cape / Mauritius) (1832)  Dcn Anstey Kay (1998)
16th Fr John Coxon (1968)
18th Bp Patrick Griffith OP (1862) (Ist Resident Bishop) : Dcn David Sigege (2020)
20th Fr John Guilfoyle (1931)
21st Fr Joseph Spencer CSsR (1979) : Fr Matthew Gormley OFM Cap (2021)
23rd Fr Dominic Introna SDB (1998)
26th Fr William Griffin (1936) ; Dcn John Perez (2012) : Dcn John McMahon (2017)
27th Fr Peter Franzidis OFM (2003)
28th Fr Michael O’Reilly (1971):  Fr John Duffy SDB (1991)
29th Fr Basil Pietersen (1988):  Mr Henry Mack (1988)
30th Fr Bernard Simpson CSsR (1971):  Fr William Brand SJ (1940)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”July” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
1st Apb Stephen Naidoo CSsR (1989) (8th Resident Bishop; 2nd Archbishop)
2nd Fr Bryan Gavan-Duffy SJ (1956) :  Fr Laurence McCauley (1980) : Fr James O’Haire (1906)
 3rd Fr Seamus Peart (1970) :  Fr Vincent Stubbs (1994)
 5th Fr Daniel Hurly (1964) : Dcn Michael Purvis (1994)
 6th Fr Bertram Glynn (1931) : Fr James Hughes CSsR (1960) : Fr Daniel Warren MSC (1960) :  Fr Patrick Connaughton (1981) : Fr Patrick O’Brien (1981) : Mgr Donald De Beer (2000) : Mgr Gerald Pietersen (2010) : Fr George Gallagher SDB (2017)
 7th Fr Ralph McNulty CSsR (1988); Fr Bart Prendiville OFM Cap (2004)
 9th Fr James Doyle SDB (1975)
10th Fr John Devine SDB (1934) :  Mgr Harold Doran (1971)
11th Fr Kenneth Jardine (1968): Mgr Thomas Gill (1975)
12th Fr Nathaniel Sprake-Marsh SDB (1935) : Dcn Frederick Johnson (2022)
13th Fr Canice Dooley SDB (2019)
14th Fr Desmond Fitzgerald CSsR (1966):  Fr Philip Shelmerdine (1987)
16th Fr Christopher Walsh SDB (1947) : Fr Benedict Diepstraten O Praem. (2015) :
Dcn Piet Philander (2017)
17th Fr John Burke (1956)
18th Fr George Corcoran OP (1852): Fr Liam Long MSC (1971) :
Fr Didacus McGrath OFM Cap (2018)
19th Fr Thomas Introna (1978) :  Fr Michael Marshall (1988) : Dcn Roger Letord (2009) :
Dcn Henry White (2024)
21st Bp Bernard O’Riley (1956) (5th Resident Bishop)
22nd Fr James McCauley CSsR (2006)
23rd Dr Michael Colgan (1922)
24th Fr Joseph Musgrave SDB (1958) :  Dcn John Clarke (1991)
26th Fr Jeremiah McMorrow (1984)
28th Fr Ian Barron CSsR (1990)
30th Fr James O’Carroll SDB (1960)
31st Dcn Michael Anthony (1986) ; Dcn Vincent Leukes (2013)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”August” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 1st Fr Richard Marsh CSsR (1966)
 3rd Fr Francis Cerruti SDB (1965)
 3rd Fr Agostino Galante (2000)
 5th Bp Reginald Cawcutt (2022) (Auxiliary Bishop of Cape Town)
 7th Fr Noel Winston OFM Cap (2015)
9th Fr John Kirby SDB (1992) : Dcn Gerald Sobotker (2020)
10th Fr Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap (1989) ; Rev Gerard Finnan (1997)
Dcn Robert Mguda (2004)
12th Fr Oliver O’Hanlon OFM Cap (1957) ; Dcn Allan Herbert (2000):
Fr James Kilcullen SDB (2002)
14th Fr Thomas Wrangham CSsR (1979)
15th Dcn Isaac Daniels (1994)
17th Fr William Withnell SJ (1945)
18th Fr James Harding CSsR (1998)
20th Fr Nicholas Humphreys OP (1975) ; Fr Michael Crowley MSC (2013) ;
Fr Desmond Curran (2015)
21st Fr Nicholas Watkins (1964)
23rd Fr Duncan Blackie CSsR (2020)
24th Mgr Guy Fraser-Ruffell (1999)
25th Fr Sabino Nascimento (1983)
27th Dcn John Williams (2002)
29th Fr John Callan (1987):  Fr Dominic Campbell CSsR (1988) ; Dcn Tommy Bergstedt (1994) : Fr Robin van der Spuy CSsR (2008)
30th Fr James Byrnes (1952)
31st Fr Anthony Garman SDB (2008) : Fr Rodney Hall (2021)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”September” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 1st Fr Joseph Dunne (1956)
 2nd Dr Sidney Welch (1956) ; Mgr Anthony Seba (2014) ; Fr Bernard Brown (2015) ;
Fr Gabriel Goibaiyer (2017)
 3rd Dcn Victor West (1989) : Fr Christopher Barragry SDB (1964)
 5th Fr Thomas Meagher (1908) : Fr Joseph Gibbons CSsR (1961)
Fr Charles McPherson CSsR (1966)
 6th Fr James Melly SDB (1989)
 7th Fr John O’Brien CSsR (1980):  Fr Joseph Clinch O Carm (1986)
 8th Fr Edward O’Reilly (1939):  Fr John Charlton CSsR (1963)
 9th Fr Charles Grace SDB (1978): Dcn Patrick Sammon (1993)
10th Fr Emmanuel Giblin OFM (1995)
11th Fr John Sweeney (1947):  Fr Joseph Gerard (1961):  Fr James Butler (1964)
12th Fr Terence Anglim OFM Cap (1947)
13th Fr John Campbell CSsR (1963)
14th Fr Benedict van der Meer OP (1970)
15th Fr Peter Cogliolo SDB (1932)
16th Fr Honorius O’Neill OFM Cap (1973)
17th Fr Damascene McKenna OFM Cap (1967)
22nd Fr Wilfred Ardagh OP (1980): Fr John Smith CSsR (2008)
23rd Fr Noel Stanton (1990) ; Fr Tom Nicholson MSC (2015)
24th Fr Roland Pasensie (2010)
25th Fr John Walsh (1979)
26th Fr Aquinas O’Carroll OFM Cap (1983) 
28th Fr Edward Mansfield (1982)
30th Fr John Roche MSC (1992) : Fr Bernard Jansen (2005)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”October” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 1st Fr Justin Feeny CSsR (1978)
 2nd Fr Eustace Burke OFM Cap (1949):  ABp Celestine Damiano (3rd Apostolic Delegate) (1967)
 3rd Fr Michael de Bary SDB (1927) : Fr Keith Lambert (2002)
 4th Fr Ronald Grace OFM Cap (1984)
 5th Fr Joseph Ord CSsR (1951)
 6th Fr Jerome Aranes (2022) : Fr Stanley Botha (2024)
 7th Fr Gerhard Kues (1991)
 8th Mgr John Galvin VG; PA  (1978)
10th Abp Ambrose de Paoli (former Apostolic Nuncio) (2008) ; Fr Alastair Shaw CSsR (2018)
11th Fr Denis Corboy SJ (1911) : Fr Wilhelmus Michels (1982) : Fr Mattie Ahern SDB (2004)
12th Fr Anthony Jansen OP (1977)
13th Fr Frederick Barni SDB (1939)
14th Fr Michael Ward (1991):  Fr James Cowan (1880):  Fr Daniel McCluskey SDB (1981)
15th Fr James Johnson CSsR (1963)
16th Fr Francis Boat SDB (1967)
18th Fr Leo Peze SDB (1915)
20th Fr Patrick Daly SJ (1945)
21st  Fr Leo Kirk CSsR (1963) : Fr Wilfred Ahern OFM Cap (2004)
22nd Fr Louis Stubbs (1981)
24th Fr Jan Westfal S.Chr (1999)
25th Dcn Leslie Davadoss (1987) ; Dcn Paul Adams (2019)
26th Fr Vincent O’Gorman SDB (1988)
27th Fr Edward Rowles (1964)
28th Fr Lambertus Prinsen (1840):  Fr Lorenzo Maletto IMC (1980)
29th Fr Gerald Henegan MHM (1939):  Fr Bernard Costello (1974). Fr Joseph  Duffy CSsR (1994)
31st Dcn William Walbrugh (2006) : Fr Albert Ripberger ISch (2008)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”November” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 3rd Fr Patrick Thornton (2005)
 4th Fr Robert Marz SDB (1966)
 5th Abp Joseph McGeough (4th Apostolic Delegate) (1970)
 6th Oswin Magrath OP (1998)
 9th Fr Michael Dahille (1918)
11th Fr Cyril Scott-Parkin (1996)
14th Fr Edward Walsh (1952)
16th Fr Maurice O’Dowd OFM Cap (1989)
17th Fr Patrick Peart (1964) : Fr Billy D’Arcy (2007) : Dcn Alfred Winnaar (2011)
18th Fr Marcellus O’Carroll OFM Cap (1980)
19th Fr Thomas Giltinan SDB (1935)
22nd Fr Edward Jackson SDB (1975) : Fr John  Dempsey CSsR (1994)
24th Fr Charles O’Rourke (1927) : Fr Frederick Stubbings SDB (1975) Dcn  Edward de Mink (1996)
25th Fr Francis Ketterer SJ (1956)
28th Fr Frederick McConvery OFM Cap (1968):  Fr Jarlath Gough OFM Cap (1983)
29th Fr William Doran (1998)
[symple_heading type=”h4″ title=”December” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”]
 2nd Fr Stephen Fitzpatrick SDB (1937)
 5th Fr Larry Rametti (1997)
 6th Fr Jacobus Nelissen (1817)
 7th Fr Joseph Lavin CSsR (1975): Fr George Zammit (1993)
 8th Fr Jerome McQuillan OFM Cap (1968): Fr Frank Leeuwenberg OP (1976)
 9th Fr Thomas Rishton OSB (1836)
13th Fr Conrad Silberbauer (1981)
16th Fr Peter Wilson CSsR (1981):  Fr Sean Sheeran MSC (1988)
17th Fr Roger-Dominic Clarke OP (1967): Fr Franz Marterer SAC (1978) : Dcn Anthony Ramos (2001)
19th Fr Pietro Bianchi IMC (1984)
22nd Abp Bernard Gijlswijk OP (11th Apostolic Delegate) (1944) : Dcn Quinton Peters (2007)
25th Fr Terence Gorman (2003) ; Dcn Ronald Brink (2017)
27th Fr Daniel Goggan (1911): Fr Macartan Hyland (2001)
28th Fr John Howard CSsR (1960)
29th Fr Daniel Colussi SDB (1970) :  Fr Patrick Poole (1988)
31st Fr Hugh Boyle SDB (2021)

Remember also in your charity
to pray for the following deceased priests
whose exact anniversaries are not known to us:
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord”


Fr Patrick Scully (1820-1824); Theodore Wagener (1826-1832); Tomás Moral OP (1836); Fr George Gibson (1843-1846); Mgr Thomas Murphy (1838-1847);
Fr Patrick Hartigan (1843-1847);
Fr Joseph Martin (1846-1850); Fr James Watkins (1850-1855); Fr John Browne (1862-1864); Fr Michael O’Reily (1860-1865); Fr Arthur McCarthy (1848-67); Fr Edward Quaid (1862-1867); 
Fr Augustine O’Reilly (1863-1868); Fr Sheridan (1869-1872); Fr John O’Connell (1869-1885);
Fr John Blackburn (1898-?); Fr James O’Dea (1903-1907).
