1st | Fr Ludger van der Sande OFM Cap (1966) |
2nd | Mgr John Colgan (1949): Fr Joseph Coyne CSsR (1982) |
3rd | Fr Joseph Griffith (1866): Fr Michael Brassil SDB (1989) |
5th | Dcn John Davis (2009) |
6th | Mgr John O’Rourke (1974) |
7th | Fr James Duignam (1931) |
8th | Fr Peter McCusker SDB (1963) |
9th | Fr Brendan Maginty OP (1972): Fr Edward Corish CSsR (1992) |
10th | Fr Bonaventure Perquin OP (1970) |
12th | Mgr Frederick Kolbe (1936) : Fr Edward Lumley-Holmes CSsR (2006) : Fr Werner Stafflinger (2019) |
14th | Fr Michael Murray SDB (1981) |
16th | Fr Leo Barry MHM (1943) |
17th | Bp Francis Hennemann SAC (1951) |
18th | Fr Casimir Butler OFM Cap (1958) |
20th | Fr Joseph Casey SDB (1947) |
21st | Fr Tom Donaghy (2010) |
22nd | Fr Francis Treanor SDB (1996) |
24th | Dr Denis McAuliffe (1938): Fr Frederick Leicher (1960) : Dcn William Foley (2011) : Fr Bram Martijn (2023) |
26th | Dr Charles McCarthy (1928) |
27th | Fr Joseph Rockliff (1946) : Fr Aloysius Carroll SDB (2006) |
28th | Fr William Tait SDB (1978) |
29th | Bp Thomas Grimley (1871) (2nd resident bishop) |
30th | Abp John Gordon (1981) (5th Apostolic Delegate) : Fr Irvin Mannoe (2008) : Fr Joseph Boswell (2008) |
31st | Dcn Eric Haupt (2014) |
1st | Dcn Karel Muzik (1996) |
2nd | Fr John Wiseman SDB (1989): Dr Bernard McMahon (1882) |
7th | Fr Matthew Bonner CSsR (1981) |
8th | Fr Harold Bleach SDB (1976): Fr John Garlick (1984) |
9th | Fr John Armstrong (1982) |
11th | Bp Aidan Devereux (1854): Fr James Kiernan (1868) |
12th | Mgr John O’Reilly (1935): Rev Jim O’Byrne OFM (1993): Dcn Alec Agsteribbe (1997) : Dcn Sylvan Pather (2019) |
13th | Dcn Victor Gamba (2002): Dcn Alan Morris (2015) |
17th | Fr Henry McNamara (1933) : Dcn Richard Croucher (2012) |
18th | Bp William Morris OSB (1872) (2nd Vicar Apostolic: Cape/Mauritius) |
19th | Bp John Leonard (1908) (3rd Resident Bishop) |
20th | Fr Thomas Nolan (1923): Fr Valentin Tanaeff (1992) |
21st | Fr Denis Peart (1950): Fr Michael Brennan SDB (1978): Fr Gilbert Conroy CSsR (1980): Fr Gerald Lorriman SJ (2011) : Fr Rowland Anderson CSsR (2023) |
26th | Bp John Rooney (1927) (4th Resident Bishop): Fr Aeneas Tozzi SDB (1958) Fr Victor Smeets O Praem (2001) |
29th | Fr Christopher Crowley OFM Cap (1984): Fr Patrick Kirwan (1992) |
1st | Fr John Tyndall (1949) |
3rd | Abp Martin Lucas SVD (1969) : Dcn A Ziegler (2001) |
3rd 4th |
Dcn William Maritz (2005) Archbishop Lawrence Patrick Henry (2014) |
7th | Dcn Arthur Classen (2017) |
8th | Fr Thomas Cullen (1929) ; |
9th | Mgr Michael McNulty (1978) |
10th | Fr Francis McManus (1967) |
11th | Fr Sebastian Lee OFM (1985) : Dcn Primo Bissolati (2004) |
14th | Fr Ronald Fletcher (1978): Fr John Hoey SDB (2002) |
15th | Fr Herbert Leach CSsR (1940) |
16th | Fr Alban O’Riley (1919) : Fr Mario Tessarotto CS (2023) |
17th | Fr Bernard Keaton CSsR (1970) |
20th | Fr Kevin Lenaghan SJ (1952) |
21st | Bp Ernest Green (1988) |
22nd | Fr Frank Whyte (2020) |
23rd | Fr Patrick Naughton (2022) |
24th | Fr Edward Kiernan (1980) |
26th | Fr William Pilkington CSsR (1977): Owen Cardinal McCann (1994) |
27th | Fr James Moran (1908): Fr Isidore Lallemand SJ (1945): Fr Elipius Mangold OFM (1949) |
28th | Fr Johannes Lansink (1806) Fr Thomas O’Sullivan (1954) : Mgr Charles Watkins (1998) |
29th | Fr Luke McGuiness (1985) |
31st | Fr William Doyle CSsR (1977): Fr Basil van Rensburg (2002) |
3rd | Fr Martin Hayes CSsR (1958) |
4th | Fr Arthur Curry CSsR (1989) : Fr Brendan Long (2009) |
5th | Fr Bernard O’Reilly (1865) |
6th | Fr Mark Flynn CSsR (1988) |
8th | Fr Alphonse Pollet SJ (1983) |
9th | Fr Daniel Burke OFM (1839): Fr Edward Mitchinson (1993) |
16th | Dcn Ken Killian (2006) |
17th | Fr Richard Millen SDB (1955) |
18th | Fr Thomas Pickering CSsR (1964): Fr Ceslaus Hylands OP (1971) : Fr Sean Lunney CSsR (2022) |
19th | Mgr Desmond Hatton (1994) |
20th | Dcn John van Roosmalen (2005) |
23rd | Fr Patrick Dunne (1869): Abp Alfredo Poledrini (1980) (6th Apostolic Delegate) |
27th | Fr Denis Fahy (2008) |
28th | Fr Damian Magrath OP (1982) : Fr Milton Strebel O Praem (2006) |
29th | Fr James Kelly (1933) |
3rd | Fr Edward Grey SDB (1978) |
5th | Fr Jack Gillick SJ (2005) |
6th | Fr Patrick Cosgrove CSsR (2002) |
9th | Fr John Heighway OP (1973) : Fr Matthew Agostinelli SDB (2005) : Dcn Rolf Schmidt (2010) ; Dcn Leno Meyers (2013) ; Dcn Raymond Dunlee (2013) |
10th | Fr Adam Connolly SDB (1987) : Fr Martin Daly SDB (2003) |
11th | Fr Luke O’Reilly (1942) : Dcn John Berry (2000) |
12th | Fr Francis Felipe SDB (1963) |
13th | Fr Ivanhoe Allies (2024) |
14th | Fr John Lawrence CSsR (1970) |
15th | Fr Patrick Quinlan (1982) |
17th | Mgr Jack Swan (1993) |
18th | Mgr Pieter van Ewijk OP (1886): Fr Albert Versmissen OPraem (1977) Fr Peter Paul Feeny OP (1986) |
19th | Fr Laurence van Schoor (2007) |
20th | Fr Henry van Geest (1943): Fr Edward Graham (1947): Fr David Ross (1982) Fr Philip Foster CSsR (1998). |
22nd | Fr John Osbourne CSsR (1969): Fr Cedric Myerscough SJ (2002) |
23rd | Fr David de Burgh SDB (1980) ; Fr Jan Kavelaars O Praem. (2012) |
24th | Fr Brian Power (1960): Fr Daniel Lucey SDB (1984) |
26th | Fr Ernest Manasse OFM (1998) |
27th | Fr Henry Banahan (1961): Fr William Butler SJ (1982): Fr Oliver Conroy CSsR (1985) |
28th | Fr Peter Rooney (1960) ; Fr Anthony Mutetwa (2013) |
30th | Mgr John Morris VG (1954) |
31st | Fr Francis Hartin (1936): Fr Ninian McManus OP (1980) : Dcn Luke Burgers (2001) : Fr Claudio Rossi SJ (2006) : Dcn George Paynter (2022) |
1st | Fr Walter Kittelwesch (1929) |
2nd | Fr Michael Hulgraine (2013) |
3rd | Dcn Reuben Tana (1977): Mgr Cornelius Lynch (2001) |
4th | Fr Eamonn O’Neill (1995) |
5th | Fr Agathangelus O’Herlihy OFM Cap (1968): Fr Richard McElligott SDB (1980) |
6th | Fr Hildebrand James OP (1971): Rev Mr David Joshua (1993) |
7th | Fr William Leeson (1940) : Dcn William September (1998) : Dcn Leonard Bredeveldt (2003) ; Patrick Lonergan SDB (2013) |
8th | Fr Frederick Haushahn (1944) |
11th | Fr Esmond Klimeck OP (1983) |
12th | Fr Lorenz Scheu SAC (1987); Abp John Garner (Abp Emeritus of Pretoria) (1993) : Fr Lionel Manasse (2008) |
13th | Mgr Theodore Koenig SAC (1955) |
15th | Fr Alfred Rakauone (1971): Bp Edward Slater OSB (1stVicar Apostolic of the Cape / Mauritius) (1832) Dcn Anstey Kay (1998) |
16th | Fr John Coxon (1968) |
18th | Bp Patrick Griffith OP (1862) (Ist Resident Bishop) : Dcn David Sigege (2020) |
20th | Fr John Guilfoyle (1931) |
21st | Fr Joseph Spencer CSsR (1979) : Fr Matthew Gormley OFM Cap (2021) |
23rd | Fr Dominic Introna SDB (1998) |
26th | Fr William Griffin (1936) ; Dcn John Perez (2012) : Dcn John McMahon (2017) |
27th | Fr Peter Franzidis OFM (2003) |
28th | Fr Michael O’Reilly (1971): Fr John Duffy SDB (1991) |
29th | Fr Basil Pietersen (1988): Mr Henry Mack (1988) |
30th | Fr Bernard Simpson CSsR (1971): Fr William Brand SJ (1940) |
1st | Apb Stephen Naidoo CSsR (1989) (8th Resident Bishop; 2nd Archbishop) |
2nd | Fr Bryan Gavan-Duffy SJ (1956) : Fr Laurence McCauley (1980) : Fr James O’Haire (1906) |
3rd | Fr Seamus Peart (1970) : Fr Vincent Stubbs (1994) |
5th | Fr Daniel Hurly (1964) : Dcn Michael Purvis (1994) |
6th | Fr Bertram Glynn (1931) : Fr James Hughes CSsR (1960) : Fr Daniel Warren MSC (1960) : Fr Patrick Connaughton (1981) : Fr Patrick O’Brien (1981) : Mgr Donald De Beer (2000) : Mgr Gerald Pietersen (2010) : Fr George Gallagher SDB (2017) |
7th | Fr Ralph McNulty CSsR (1988); Fr Bart Prendiville OFM Cap (2004) |
9th | Fr James Doyle SDB (1975) |
10th | Fr John Devine SDB (1934) : Mgr Harold Doran (1971) |
11th | Fr Kenneth Jardine (1968): Mgr Thomas Gill (1975) |
12th | Fr Nathaniel Sprake-Marsh SDB (1935) : Dcn Frederick Johnson (2022) |
13th | Fr Canice Dooley SDB (2019) |
14th | Fr Desmond Fitzgerald CSsR (1966): Fr Philip Shelmerdine (1987) |
16th | Fr Christopher Walsh SDB (1947) : Fr Benedict Diepstraten O Praem. (2015) : Dcn Piet Philander (2017) |
17th | Fr John Burke (1956) |
18th | Fr George Corcoran OP (1852): Fr Liam Long MSC (1971) : Fr Didacus McGrath OFM Cap (2018) |
19th | Fr Thomas Introna (1978) : Fr Michael Marshall (1988) : Dcn Roger Letord (2009) : Dcn Henry White (2024) |
21st | Bp Bernard O’Riley (1956) (5th Resident Bishop) |
22nd | Fr James McCauley CSsR (2006) |
23rd | Dr Michael Colgan (1922) |
24th | Fr Joseph Musgrave SDB (1958) : Dcn John Clarke (1991) |
26th | Fr Jeremiah McMorrow (1984) |
28th | Fr Ian Barron CSsR (1990) |
30th | Fr James O’Carroll SDB (1960) |
31st | Dcn Michael Anthony (1986) ; Dcn Vincent Leukes (2013) |
1st | Fr Richard Marsh CSsR (1966) |
3rd | Fr Francis Cerruti SDB (1965) |
3rd | Fr Agostino Galante (2000) |
5th | Bp Reginald Cawcutt (2022) (Auxiliary Bishop of Cape Town) |
7th | Fr Noel Winston OFM Cap (2015) |
9th | Fr John Kirby SDB (1992) : Dcn Gerald Sobotker (2020) |
10th | Fr Albeus McQuillan OFM Cap (1989) ; Rev Gerard Finnan (1997) Dcn Robert Mguda (2004) |
12th | Fr Oliver O’Hanlon OFM Cap (1957) ; Dcn Allan Herbert (2000): Fr James Kilcullen SDB (2002) |
14th | Fr Thomas Wrangham CSsR (1979) |
15th | Dcn Isaac Daniels (1994) |
17th | Fr William Withnell SJ (1945) |
18th | Fr James Harding CSsR (1998) |
20th | Fr Nicholas Humphreys OP (1975) ; Fr Michael Crowley MSC (2013) ; Fr Desmond Curran (2015) |
21st | Fr Nicholas Watkins (1964) |
23rd | Fr Duncan Blackie CSsR (2020) |
24th | Mgr Guy Fraser-Ruffell (1999) |
25th | Fr Sabino Nascimento (1983) |
27th | Dcn John Williams (2002) |
29th | Fr John Callan (1987): Fr Dominic Campbell CSsR (1988) ; Dcn Tommy Bergstedt (1994) : Fr Robin van der Spuy CSsR (2008) |
30th | Fr James Byrnes (1952) |
31st | Fr Anthony Garman SDB (2008) : Fr Rodney Hall (2021) |
1st | Fr Joseph Dunne (1956) |
2nd | Dr Sidney Welch (1956) ; Mgr Anthony Seba (2014) ; Fr Bernard Brown (2015) ; Fr Gabriel Goibaiyer (2017) |
3rd | Dcn Victor West (1989) : Fr Christopher Barragry SDB (1964) |
5th | Fr Thomas Meagher (1908) : Fr Joseph Gibbons CSsR (1961) Fr Charles McPherson CSsR (1966) |
6th | Fr James Melly SDB (1989) |
7th | Fr John O’Brien CSsR (1980): Fr Joseph Clinch O Carm (1986) |
8th | Fr Edward O’Reilly (1939): Fr John Charlton CSsR (1963) |
9th | Fr Charles Grace SDB (1978): Dcn Patrick Sammon (1993) |
10th | Fr Emmanuel Giblin OFM (1995) |
11th | Fr John Sweeney (1947): Fr Joseph Gerard (1961): Fr James Butler (1964) |
12th | Fr Terence Anglim OFM Cap (1947) |
13th | Fr John Campbell CSsR (1963) |
14th | Fr Benedict van der Meer OP (1970) |
15th | Fr Peter Cogliolo SDB (1932) |
16th | Fr Honorius O’Neill OFM Cap (1973) |
17th | Fr Damascene McKenna OFM Cap (1967) |
22nd | Fr Wilfred Ardagh OP (1980): Fr John Smith CSsR (2008) |
23rd | Fr Noel Stanton (1990) ; Fr Tom Nicholson MSC (2015) |
24th | Fr Roland Pasensie (2010) |
25th | Fr John Walsh (1979) |
26th | Fr Aquinas O’Carroll OFM Cap (1983) |
28th | Fr Edward Mansfield (1982) |
30th | Fr John Roche MSC (1992) : Fr Bernard Jansen (2005) |
1st | Fr Justin Feeny CSsR (1978) |
2nd | Fr Eustace Burke OFM Cap (1949): ABp Celestine Damiano (3rd Apostolic Delegate) (1967) |
3rd | Fr Michael de Bary SDB (1927) : Fr Keith Lambert (2002) |
4th | Fr Ronald Grace OFM Cap (1984) |
5th | Fr Joseph Ord CSsR (1951) |
6th | Fr Jerome Aranes (2022) : Fr Stanley Botha (2024) |
7th | Fr Gerhard Kues (1991) |
8th | Mgr John Galvin VG; PA (1978) |
10th | Abp Ambrose de Paoli (former Apostolic Nuncio) (2008) ; Fr Alastair Shaw CSsR (2018) |
11th | Fr Denis Corboy SJ (1911) : Fr Wilhelmus Michels (1982) : Fr Mattie Ahern SDB (2004) |
12th | Fr Anthony Jansen OP (1977) |
13th | Fr Frederick Barni SDB (1939) |
14th | Fr Michael Ward (1991): Fr James Cowan (1880): Fr Daniel McCluskey SDB (1981) |
15th | Fr James Johnson CSsR (1963) |
16th | Fr Francis Boat SDB (1967) |
18th | Fr Leo Peze SDB (1915) |
20th | Fr Patrick Daly SJ (1945) |
21st | Fr Leo Kirk CSsR (1963) : Fr Wilfred Ahern OFM Cap (2004) |
22nd | Fr Louis Stubbs (1981) |
24th | Fr Jan Westfal S.Chr (1999) |
25th | Dcn Leslie Davadoss (1987) ; Dcn Paul Adams (2019) |
26th | Fr Vincent O’Gorman SDB (1988) |
27th | Fr Edward Rowles (1964) |
28th | Fr Lambertus Prinsen (1840): Fr Lorenzo Maletto IMC (1980) |
29th | Fr Gerald Henegan MHM (1939): Fr Bernard Costello (1974). Fr Joseph Duffy CSsR (1994) |
31st | Dcn William Walbrugh (2006) : Fr Albert Ripberger ISch (2008) |
3rd | Fr Patrick Thornton (2005) |
4th | Fr Robert Marz SDB (1966) |
5th | Abp Joseph McGeough (4th Apostolic Delegate) (1970) |
6th | Oswin Magrath OP (1998) |
9th | Fr Michael Dahille (1918) |
11th | Fr Cyril Scott-Parkin (1996) |
14th | Fr Edward Walsh (1952) |
16th | Fr Maurice O’Dowd OFM Cap (1989) |
17th | Fr Patrick Peart (1964) : Fr Billy D’Arcy (2007) : Dcn Alfred Winnaar (2011) |
18th | Fr Marcellus O’Carroll OFM Cap (1980) |
19th | Fr Thomas Giltinan SDB (1935) |
22nd | Fr Edward Jackson SDB (1975) : Fr John Dempsey CSsR (1994) |
24th | Fr Charles O’Rourke (1927) : Fr Frederick Stubbings SDB (1975) Dcn Edward de Mink (1996) |
25th | Fr Francis Ketterer SJ (1956) |
28th | Fr Frederick McConvery OFM Cap (1968): Fr Jarlath Gough OFM Cap (1983) |
29th | Fr William Doran (1998) |