Blessed & Opened 1973, Dedicated 1991
Tel: 021 558 1412. Fax: 021 558 2043
CHURCH: 1 Goede Hoop Street Bothasig Google Map
PRESBYTERY: PO Box 28007 Bothasig 7406
PARISH PRIEST: Fr Baiju Mundackal MSFS
PARISH DEACON Dcn Weston Barwise. Tel: 073 187 1048.
PARISH SECRETARY Ms Denise Taylor. Office hours: Tue-Fri 10.00-16.00
MASSES Sat (for Sun) 17.00, Sun 08.00, 10.00, 17.30
Wed Fri 09.00, Tue Thu 18.00
DEVOTIONS Adoration 24 hours every day, Divine Mercy Chaplet after Mass on weekdays.
CONFESSIONS Sat 16.00-16.45 and by appointment
MINISTRIES/SOCIETIES Child Safety Co-ord: Ms Bernadette Smith. Tel: 082 371 6936. Care Group, Hospitality, Healing, House Church, Helping Hands, CWL, Knights of da Gama, SVP, Youth, Ushers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Prayer Groups, Choirs (traditional, folk, youth & family), Senior’s Club, Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, Readers, Flower Arrangers, Liturgical Committee, Finance Council, Pastoral Council, LifeLine-trained counsellor, Bible sharing groups, Sacristans, Communications, Legion of Mary, Maintenance, Social Group, Candle cleaners, Fundraising Group, Men’s Group, Lifeteen
CATECHETICS Junior faith levels held at the Church and in Catechists’ homes in Bothasig, Monte Vista and Edgemead. 7 Junior Faith level classes and 22 Catechists. Confirmation Faith levels held at the church, RCIA and Life Teen – 13 Facilitators
Co-ordinator: Ms Bernadette Smith. Tel: 021 558 5820 (h) 021 403 7218 (w), 082 371 6936.
Lifeteen: Email: