Reporting a Concern about Child Abuse

Legal Obligation to Report Abuse to the Civil Authorities

If a person has knowledge or has a reasonable suspicion that any child is being physically abused or deliberately neglected, that person must immediately report that suspicion to the civil authorities, being: The Department of Social Development, a police official (preferably a member of an FCS Unit) or a designated child protection organisation such as Childline.

If a person has knowledge of any child being sexually abused in any way, that person must immediately report that knowledge to a police official (preferably a member of an FCS Unit)

Additional Reporting
If a person within the church environment has knowledge of a child being abused within the church, in addition to the legal obligation to report that abuse to the civil authorities, that person must also report the matter to an archdiocesan Contact Person.

Reporting to Civil Authorities
SAPS—FCS Cape Town: Telephone 021 4676001/02/62
Department of Social Development: 021 4837673
Childline Cape Town 116

Reporting to Archdiocesan Contact Persons
Jane Payne. Tel: 082 421 4618. Email:
Koleka Lubelwana. Tel: 082 887 7827. Email:
Monica Robertson. Tel: 084 611 7277. Email: