Sunday Cycle Year B / Weekday Cycle Year 2 (2024)
Should the widget below appear blank on your screen, please click this link: It will give you the Scripture readings for daily Mass, the readings for the Prayer of the Church (Breviary), and many other Catholic prayers and Rites. Just navigate your way through the various menus available.
Please may I receive the Daily Mass Readings and Breviary readings in a daily basis…many thanks
Hello Lee, unfortunately we don’t send out the daily Mass readings. Many thanks, Webmaster
Please send me the Faily Mass Readings and Breviary info for the day please
Hi Lee
Unfortunately we do not send this out. It is accessible on our website from the page on which you viewed it. Alternatively you can subscribe to an app on your phone, like Universalis, where this information is readily at hand.
Please may I have Sunday and Daily Mass readings and meditations
Think this could be updated like weekly please
The link to this is automatically updated on a daily basis.
Kind regards
Are the readings based on the RSVCE edition of the Bible and is there an app on Android.
Hi Ken, not sure what translation it is. You can also download the iBreviary app on your phone from Just scroll to the bottom of their home page.
Please add me to receive daily mass readings.
Please add me to receive daily mass readings
Please add me to the daily mass reading email list. Thank you
Many thanks for your message on our website. Unfortunately we don’t send out Mass readings, as such. They are available on our website but I believe you can also download the iBreviary app on your phone from
Kind regards
Please add me to receive daily mass and notifications .
Thank you.
I need a work book for first communion. Can you email it to me please.
Dear Lisette, I have been advised by the Catechetics department that you will need to purchase one from the Catholic Bookshop (off Hope Street, Cape Town). Tel: 021 465 5904. It is titled Call to His Supper by Jeannine Timko Leichner. Regards Webmaster
Good morning, may I please be added to receive the daily readings.
Thanks and God bless.
Many thanks for your message on our website. Unfortunately we don’t send out Mass readings, as such. They are available on our website but I believe you can also download the iBreviary app on your phone from
Kind regards
Please add me to receive daily Mass readings and notifications. Thank you.
May I receive daily mass readings
Hi Nthabiseng, apologies for the delayed reply to your request. I have been on sick leave. The Mass readings are on our website at
Please may you send me daily reading
Hi there
We unfortunately don’t send out the daily readings. However, they are available on our site.
Many thanks
Santiago, bien venido a Cape Town! Holy Cross es una linda parroquia. Varios padres mexicanos han pasado por aquí. El sacedorte Gerardo es Mexicano, y una person verdaderamente linda, sinceramente – un angel. Desafortunadamente me acabo de enterar que el segundo padre (Pablo) fue transferido a Johannesburg.
Nosotros somos Mexicanos, nacidos en estados unidos, pero más Mexicanos. Espero alguna día conocerles, extrañamos nuestra comida Mexicana, el español, y familia, claro.
La gente en Cape Town son estupendas, hemos tenido la gran fortuna y bendición de conocer y compartir con varias familias locales. Te encantará. Que Dios te bendiga.
English translation (Google Translate): Santiago, welcome to Cape Town! Holy Cross is a beautiful parish. Several Mexican parents have come here. The sacedorte Gerardo is Mexican, and a truly beautiful person, sincerely – an angel. Unfortunately I just learned that the second father (Paul) was transferred to Johannesburg.
We are Mexican, born in the United States, but more Mexican. I hope one day to meet them, we miss our Mexican food, Spanish, and family, of course.
The people in Cape Town are great, we have had the great fortune and blessing to meet and share with several local families. You’ll love it. May God bless you.
Hello, I’ll be moving to Cape Town in the following weeks, is there any regular scheduled mass held in Spanish?
Thank you!
Hi, there are a couple of Spanish priests in Cape Town, ministering to the Portuguese and Italian communities here, but as far as I understand there is no regular Mass in Spanish, as such. Webmaster.
Kindly send me the daily reading, psalm and gospel. Thank you and God bless
Hi Fernanda
The readings can be found in the App on the Daily Mass Readings page on our website.
Based in London, UK:
All the Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendars of the Different World Regions, Prayers & much more are available here:
The Daily Holy Mass Readings & More for South Africa can be found here:
I know this will answer & assist those interested Catholics with their various requests.
God Bless & A Very Happy 2016! Regards, an Ex-South African – Reykjavik, Iceland.
Add me to the daily and Sundy readings
Hi Martin, we do not have a list of subscriptions to the daily readings. This app is available on our website at for convenience.
Thank you for making it so easy to access the daily readings and more!
I would love meditations on Mass readings
Hi Lee, the daily Mass readings are available through the App on this page. You will need to log on to access them. We are unfortunately not in a position to provide meditations on the readings. You can browse to our Links page to find various daily meditation options. Regards Webmaster
Please allow me access to Daily and Sunday Mass readings and meditations
Please send me the Daily Mass Readings and meditation
Pls send me the daily readngs.
Daily Mass readings are available on this page. You will need to log on to access them – we are not able to send them to you.
Kindly send me the daily readings. thank you
You will need to log on to the page on our website to access the readings. They do not download automatically, nor is there a list of subscribers.
Please add me to receiving weekly and weekend mass readings?