(Blessed & Opened 1988)
Tel: 021 023 1352
For additional services in this parish see also CROSSROADS (Lower): Our Lady Queen of Africa; CROSSROADS (Old): St Josephine Bakhita.
CHURCH: 1st Avenue New Crossroads 7750 Google Map
PRESBYTERY: St Mary’s, 1st Avenue New Crossroads 7750 / PO Box 32050 Ottery 7808
EMAIL: nyanga@adct.org.za
PARISH PRIEST: Fr Gabriel Msoka AJ
MASSES: Sun 09.00
Wed 09.00, Fri 09.00 (School Mass once a month), Fri 18.00 (1st Fri in honour of the Sacred Heart)
CONFESSIONS Sun 08.30-08.45, and by appointment (Tue-Thu)
DEVOTIONS Exposition & Benediction for Sodalities, by arrangement
CATECHETICS Sat afternoon, and Sun before and after Mass.
Co-ordinator: Ms Noxolo Mpofana. Tel: 073 730 0586.
MINISTRIES/SOCIETIES Parish Pastoral and Finance Council, Amadodana (Catholic Men), Sacred Heart, St Anne, Youth, Young Adults, Altar Servers, Choir, All Saints and St Vincent de Paul Society
INSTITUTIONS St Mary’s Primary School, Nyanga
CHAPLAINCIES St Mary’s Primary School, Nyanga