Learn to Live School of Skills
Salesian Institute, 2 Somerset Road Cape Town 8001. Tel: 021 425 1450.
Email: info@salesianyouth.org.za. Web. www.salesianyouth.org.
Porsche Megatronics Programme
Salesian Institute, 2 Somerset Road Cape Town 8001. Tel: 021 425 1450.
Email: info@salesianyouth.org.za. Web: www.salesianyouth.org.
Rural Education Access Programme (REAP): 23 Birdwood Street Athlone 7764.
Tel: 021 696 5500. Fax: 021 696 9572
Waves of Change: for youth wanting to work in the maritime industry.
Salesian Institute, 2 Somerset Road Cape Town 8001. Tel: 021 425 1450.
Email: info@salesianyouth.org.za. Web. www.salesianyouth.org.