Welcome to the Archdiocese of Cape Town
As the Archbishop of the Mother City of South Africa, of the first ecclesiastical territory to be established in Southern Africa (1818), I welcome you to this website. It is my hope that it will inform you and provide you with any information you may require regarding this segment of the Catholic Church.
We also provide links with other websites which might interest you. If you require any information not included here, email us and we will do what we can to help.
If you have discovered this page by accident, you are especially welcome and I hope you will find it of some value and maybe help you to understand how the Catholic Church in Cape Town is trying to serve the community and so bring it closer to the Lord.
With my very sincere and best wishes
+Cardinal Stephen Brislin
News & Events
Christmas Eve Papal Mass
Attached please find an advert for the Papal Mass which will be broadcast by SABC 2 on the 24th December in the evening. Please advertise the Mass as much as you can. The success of this broadcast’s following will influence the SABC to also broadcast the Good Friday service.
Archdiocesan News 4 of 2022
HOT OFF THE DIGITAL “PRESS”: IN THIS EDITION: Parish Alive – Training of PPCs; Parish Culture Survey; The Future of the Catholic Bookshop; Youth News and Events; Edge and Life Teen; Marriage and Family Life; Moral Formation of Young People inthe Age of Relativism; 100 not out!; How a Catholic Community steadily grew, for most […]
Advent Reflections, week 4
Please see our Advent reflections for Week 4
Advent Reflections, Week 3
Below please see our Advent reflections for week 3.
Advent Reflections, Week 2
Below please find week 2 of our Advent reflections.
A resource for 16 days of Activism: How can we help to end violence in Catholic Families
Attached please find this resource from the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference on helping to end violence against women and children.
Advent Reflections
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ In spite of the Christmas rush and the hectic nature of the coming days, spiritually Advent is a time of stillness and calm as we prepare both, to commemorate the birth of our Saviour and to wait in expectation for his second coming. In a way, Advent encapsulates what […]
Archbishop’s talk at PPC Training Day
Training for Parish Pastoral Council’s (PPCs) took place at Bergvlliet Primary School Hall on Saturday 19 November 2022. Below is Archbishop Stephen Brislin’s talk at the training day. “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground” , are words attributed to the United States President Theodore Roosevelt. In a sense this saying […]
Parish Alive: PPC Video from Archbishop Brislin
Below please find a video from Archbishop Stephen Brislin regarding the ministry of Parish Pastoral Councils and the Parish Alive training this coming Saturday, 19 November 2022.
Synod Report 2022
Attached below please find the Archdiocese of Cape Town’s Synod Synthesis 2022 (the final document for the SACBC); and Archbishop Stephen Brislin’s catechesis, or preamble, on the Report.
SACBC Statement on Zondo Report implementation
Welcome to PARISH ALIVE!
Parish Alive! is a new and exciting programme developed by the Centre for Pastoral Development (CPD) that encapsulates the vision of the Archbishop on how PPC’s could operate to revitalise our Church through the parishes. PARISH ALIVE! will be launched on November 19 with a half day training event and all PPC members and parish […]