Type: P: Primary, S: Secondary, Pub: Public, Ind: Independent, LSEN: Learners with Special Educational Needs.
Director of Catholic Education: Sr Katherine Gaylor OP
Catholic Schools’ Office: St Dominic’s Convent, 4 Clare Road Wynberg 7800
Tel: 021 761 6541. Fax: 021 761 8088. Cell: 081 218 0498.
Email: admin-cso@cso-sa.co.za. Website: www.catholicschoolsoffice-ct.com
Dr Evona Rebelo (Schools Trust and Board of Education Administration Officer). Email: evonarebelo@mweb.co.za
Ms Kim van der Westhuizen, Ms Anisa Brown
Catholic Schools’ Trust
Archbishop Stephen Brislin, Sr Katherine Gaylor OP (Chair), Mr Gary Faulmann, Ms Mary McCrae, Mr John O’Leary, Ms Colleen Daniels, Fr Shaun Addinall, Mr Tony Moolenschot.
Catholic Board of Education (CBE)
Fr Shaun Addinall (Chair), Sr Katherine Gaylor OP, Ms Evona Rebelo, Ms Gillian Stubbs, Sr Lucie-Henriette Saul OSFS, Ms Shona Smith, Sr Flora Matavire HC, Ms Caron Darby-Michaels, Mr Alfonso Pereira, Fr Wim Sabo, Ms Jane Askew, Br Terry Dowling CFC, Brandon Paulse, Carol Du Plessis, Celeste Pretorius, Granville Crowster, Stephen Meehan, Johny Claassen, Fr Enrico Parry, Sr Loretta Oliphant HC.
Christian Brothers’ College (St John’s) (P&S, Ind)
Cnr Dorchester Dr & Parklands Main Rd Parklands 7441. Tel: 021 556 5969/79.
Fax: 021 556 1160. Email: info@cbcstjohns.co.za. Web: www.cbcstjohns.co.za
Head: Ms Sharon van Vuren
Holy Cross Sisters’ School Bellville (P, Ind)
PO Box 1016 Bellville 7635. Tel: 021 919 4734. Fax: 021 919 8263.
Email: admin@holycross.co.za. Web: www.holycross.co.za
Principal: Ms Phoebe Sobotker
Holy Cross Primary Brooklyn (P, Ind)
162 Koeberg Rd Brooklyn 7405. Tel: 021 511 4337. Fax: 021 511 9690.
Email: admin@holycrossbrooklyn.co.za. Web: www.holycrossbrooklyn.co.za
Principal: Ms Carol Du Plessis
Holy Cross High Maitland (S, Ind)
PO Box 134 Maitland 7405. Tel: 021 511 9365. Fax: 021 510 7991.
Email: admin@holycrosshigh.co.za. Web: www.holycrosshsmaitland.co.za
Principal: Ms Erna Lehy
Holy Cross Primary Cape Town (P, Pub)
Searle Street District Six 8001. Tel: 021 465 2158. Fax: 021 465 0348.
Email: kalmeyer.rene@gmail.com
Principal: Ms Nomtandazo Zweni
Holy Trinity School (P, Pub)
St Dominic Street Matroosfontein 7490. Tel: 074 105 8493.
Email: matroos.prim@wcgschools.gov.za.
Principal: Mr Maynard Moheng
Immaculata School (S, Pub)
PO Box 18417 Wynberg 7824. Tel: 021 761 1930: Fax: 021 797 8711.
Email: immaculatarchs@gmail.com.
Principal: Ms Chauntal Noble
Loreto Convent Strand (P, Pub)
PO Box 135 Strand 7140. Tel: 021 853 3377. Fax: 021 854 3358.
Email: loreto@webmail.co.za. Web: www.loretops.co.za
Principal: Ms Vanessa Oertle
Learn to Live School of Skills
Salesian Insitute, 2 Somerset Road Cape Town 8001. Tel: 021 425 1450.
Email: info@salesianyouth.org.za. Web: www.salesianyouth.org
Principal: Ms Carla Cabrita
For learners aged 14 to18 from at-risk backgrounds who are no longer in mainstream schooling. This four year programme offers five Vocational Workshops: Hospitality, Hairdressing, Electrical, Woodwork & Auto-Mechanical, in line with the WCED.
Marian Secondary School (S,Pub )
St Dominic Street Matroosfontein 7940. Tel: 071 152 6240. Fax: 021 933 3326.
Email: marian.sec@wcgschools.gov.za.
Principal: Mr Winston Morgan
Mary Help of Christians School (P, Ind)
Barbarossa Street Huguenot 7646. Tel: 021 862 0480. Fax: 021 862 0480.
Email: admin@mhoc.co.za
Principal: Mr Jacques Fouché
Regina Caeli School (P, Pub)
Cnr Fifth & Klipfontein Rd Belgravia 7764. Tel: 021 637 6932. Fax: 021 699 8170.
Email: rcpshead@gmail.com.
Principal: Ms Candice Petersen
Springfield Convent (Junior) (P, Ind)
St John’s Rd Wynberg 7800. Tel: 021 797 9637. Fax: 021 797 8200
Email: admin@springfieldconvent.co.za. Web: www.springfieldconvent.co.za
Principal: Mr Brandon Paulse
Springfield Convent (Senior) (S, Ind)
St John’s Road Wynberg 7800. Tel: 021 797 6169. Fax: 021 762 7930
Email: snrpost@springfieldconvent.co.za. Web: www.springfieldconvent.co.za
Head of School: Mr Geoff Quinn
St Agnes Primary School (P, Pub)
PO Box 451 Salt River 7925. Tel: 021 447 2839.
Email: letitia.adriaans@wcgschools.gov.za
Principal: Ms Elesia Kolbe
St Anne’s Primary School (P, Pub)
Stella Road Plumstead 7806. Tel: 021 705 1324. Fax: 021 705 2723
Email: school@stannesprimary.co.za
Principal: Ms Bronwyn Fisher
St Anthony’s School (P, Pub)
Gordon Road Heathfield 7945. Tel: 021 712 8026. Fax: 021 715 7989
Email: luisa@stanthonys.co.za. Web: www.stanthonys.co.za
Principal: Ms Lynette Reinecke (Acting)
Star of the Sea Primary School (P, Pub)
74 Main Road St James 7945. Tel: 021 788 5910. Fax: 021 788 6398
Email: admin@starofthesea.co.za. Web: www.starofthesea.co.za
Principal: Mr Alfonso Pereira
St Augustine’s Parow Valley (P, Pub)
PO Box 12005 Parow Valley 7503. Tel: 021 934 6004. Fax: 021 934 4980
Email: letitiaswartz@gmail.com
Principal: Ms Sonia Marchant (Acting)
St Augustine’s Wittebome (P, Pub)
PO Box 18417 Wynberg 7824. Tel: 021 761 3114. Fax: 021 761 3166
Email: staugustinesrcs@gmail.com
Principal: Ms Erin Groepes
St Clement’s Primary School (P, Pub)
Lake Road Grassy Park 7941. Tel: 081 580 2985. Fax: 086 613 6986
Email: waynelodewyk@gmail.com
Principal: Mr Wayne Lodewyk
St Dominic’s School for Deaf Children (P&S, LSEN)
PO Box 19027 Wynberg 7824. Tel: 021 761 8046. Fax: 021 761 8578
Email: office@dominicanschool.org.za
Principal: Ms Hilary Arenz
St Ida’s School (S, Pub)
PO Box 4090 Ida’s Valley 7609. Tel: 021 886 6021.
Email: stidas.prim@wcgschools.gov.za.
Principal: Mr Burton Williams
St James’ Primary School (P, Pub)
2 Barton Road Kalk Bay 7975. Tel: 021 788 7064. Fax: 021 788 6469
Email: stjamesprimary1@gmail.com.
Principal: Ms Desiree Williams (Acting)
St John’s Primary School (P, Pub)
PO Box 519 Maitland 7404. Tel: 021 593 1960. Fax: 021 593 0608
Email: natashe.brown@wcgschools.gov.za. Web: www.stjohnsprimary.co.za
Principal: Ms Charlene Hans
St Joseph’s Marist College (P&S, Ind)
PO Box 27, Rondebosch 7700. Tel: 021 685 6715, Fax: 021 689 1205.
Web: www.maristsj.co.za
E-mail: admin@maristsj.co.za.
Head: Ms Caron Darby-Michaels
St Joseph’s Special School (Hosp.)
PO Box 21 Howard Place 7450. Tel: 021 935 1369.
Email: stjosehome@mweb.co.za.
Principal: Mr Gideon Petersen
St Mary’s Primary Cape Town (P, Pub)
Tuin Plein Cape Town 8000. Tel: 021 465 1115. Fax: 021 461 2983
Email: stmarysgardens@gmail.com.
Principal: Mr Ronaldo Jean-Louis
St Mary’s Primary Nyanga (P, Pub)
Abonwabisi Road, Nyanga / PO Box 32058 Ottery 7808. Tel: 021 207 3739.
Email: stmarysprim@wcgschools.gov.za
Principal: Ms Maggie Mkoko
St Mary’s Primary Retreat (P, Pub)
Retreat Road Retreat 7945. Tel: 021 712 4611. Fax: 021 712 3954
Email: admin@stmarysrcps.wcape.school.za
Principal: Mr Granville Crowster
St Raphael’s Primary School (P, Pub)
Lawrence Road Athlone 7490. Tel: 021 696 6718.
Email: straphaelsprimary@gmail.com.
Principal: Mr Gerarde Osman
St Theresa’s Primary School (P, Pub)
Fourth Rd Welcome Estate 7764. Tel: 021 637 4020. Fax: 021 638 2117
Email: admit.sttheresa@gmail.com.
Principal: Ms Rochelle Davids
St Vincent’s RC Primary (P, Pub)
PO Box 28 Koelenhof 7605. Tel: 021 865 2404. Fax: 021 865 2578
Email: stvincentrcprimary@gmail.com.
Principal: Sr Lucie-Henriette Saul OSFS