Synod 2021-2023

The weekend of 27 February is designated as “synod focus Sunday” in the Archdiocese of Cape Town, with a view to launching the process in parishes in March and April (and May, if needed). Please see the videos below that can be used during Mass and sent to parishioners to help them understand what it is all about.

The training document and template are also available to assist with parish implementation.

The proposed timeline for synod process in parishes and in the Archdiocese is:
27 February 2022
– Synod Focus Sunday (prayer of the faithful; mention in the homily; showing/airing of Archbishop’s video; sending out link to video explaining the synod; and giving practical details to parishioners).
March and April and May 2022 – Group meetings in parishes.
May 2022 – Beginning of collation of submissions at a parish level.
15 June 2022 – Deadline for collated parish submissions to be sent to using the template provided. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
25 June 2022 – Closing celebration and symbolic handover of parish responses
July 2022 – Collation of submissions on a diocesan level. 

We encourage all to use the following question during this listening process and within the ‘listening circles’:

A Synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, ‘journeys together.’ Drawing on the fundamental question of the synod, we invite you to reflect on the question:

How is this journeying together happening in your local church (parish/ archdiocese)?

To help clarify your reflection process, consider the following experiences within the church:

– What inspires and animates you, what makes you thankful and grateful about your Catholic life?

– What disappoints, wounds, or disillusions you?

– Where in particular is the spirit calling for growth and change in our thinking and practices?

Perhaps one or more of the topics from the pastoral plan resonates with you in this process: Evangelization, Empowerment of Laity, Life of Priests and Deacons and Bishops, Family and Youth, Justice and Peace, Healing and Reconciliation, Care of Creation.

The Synod Explained for Young People