Welcome to the Archdiocese of Cape Town

As the Archbishop of the Mother City of South Africa, of the first ecclesiastical territory to be established in Southern Africa (1818), I welcome you to this website. It is my hope that it will inform you and provide you with any information you may require regarding this segment of the Catholic Church.
We also provide links with other websites which might interest you. If you require any information not included here, email us and we will do what we can to help.
If you have discovered this page by accident, you are especially welcome and I hope you will find it of some value and maybe help you to understand how the Catholic Church in Cape Town is trying to serve the community and so bring it closer to the Lord.
With my very sincere and best wishes
+Cardinal Stephen Brislin


News & Events

Epiphany and Xenophobia

Hospitality and welcome are part of our African heritage. As we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, we celebrate the visit of the Magi. They come from the East seeking something they do not really understand. They come looking for the fulfilment of a prophecy. They come seeking hope. They are looking for something more. […]

Press Statement on the Defacement of the Simon’s Town Mosque

On behalf of the Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Cape Town, and the Catholic Church of Southern Africa, I wish to express our outrage and sadness at the defacement of the Simon’s Town Mosque. Such acts of intolerance, as well as hate speech which seems to be increasing in our country, further damage the fabric of […]

Concert in a Convent Garden

[gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/21557d_Springfield-DL-Flyer-copy-landscape.pdf”]

Gender-Based Violence: An Advent Challenge?

We are in the midst of the international awareness campaign: 16 days of activism for no violence against women and children. The statistics for domestic violence, rape, and child abuse in our country remain horrific. Current figures suggest that over 40% of South African women are raped in their life-time. Some sources suggest that as […]

Why Trump Won – And Why it Matters

By Anthony Egan SJ Despite almost every poll predicting a relatively easy victory for Hillary Clinton in the United States Presidential Elections, closer reflection suggests that it was never that clear in the first place. To start, the often nasty campaign between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party nomination may have alienated […]

Archdiocesan News 4 of 2016

HOT OFF THE PRESS!! Read the final Archdiocesan News for 2016 online. [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/AD-News-4-of-2016-web.pdf”]

Church expresses support for #FeesMustFall Campaign

STATEMENT BY THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE The Catholic Church agrees that the student protest has foundation.  We are aware as a Church, of the inequality of opportunity for poor and competent students to access third level education. As Bishops spread throughout the country, we have assisted students with our limited resources. But the majority […]

Protests Must Fall, or Universities Will

Last year’s protests were a reminder of the power of the youth to unite behind common issues and halt a system that has long taken them for granted. The protests stunningly disabused South African’s of the view that its youth are an apathetic bunch whose dissent is incapable of going beyond the 140 twitter character […]

Ecclesia – Called By Name

Below please find downloads of the Catechists Manual and the Participants’ Book for the new season of Ecclesia “Called By Name”, starting October/November 2016. [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Called-by-Name-Participants-Book-Aug-2016.pdf”] [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ECCLESIA-CALLED-BY-NAME-catechist-manual.pdf”]

Archdiocesan News 3 of 2016

Here is the digital version of Archdiocesan News 3 of 2016. [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ad-news-3-of-2016.pdf”]

Statement on the Hawks and their pursuit of Finance Minister, Mr Pravin Gordhan

25 August 2016The Jesuit Institute South Africa is seriously concerned with, what appears to be, the continued harassment by the HAWKS of the Minister of Finance, Mr. Pravin Gordhan. This harassment, which by all accounts has no legitimacy or credibility, has serious consequences for the country. The fall of the local currency on Tuesday/Wednesday is indicative of […]

Learning from the 2016 Elections

To the African National Congress last week must surely feel as, at worst, the rumour of defeat to come, at best a loud political wake-up call. Other parties need to take note too. Everyone knew the ANC would retain Durban and Bloemfontein without serious opposition, just as everyone assumed the Democratic Alliance would hold onto […]