Welcome to the Archdiocese of Cape Town

As the Archbishop of the Mother City of South Africa, of the first ecclesiastical territory to be established in Southern Africa (1818), I welcome you to this website. It is my hope that it will inform you and provide you with any information you may require regarding this segment of the Catholic Church.
We also provide links with other websites which might interest you. If you require any information not included here, email us and we will do what we can to help.
If you have discovered this page by accident, you are especially welcome and I hope you will find it of some value and maybe help you to understand how the Catholic Church in Cape Town is trying to serve the community and so bring it closer to the Lord.
With my very sincere and best wishes
+Cardinal Stephen Brislin


News & Events

Cultural Meeting pics

Below are some pictures of the cultural meeting held last Monday at the Leslie Johnson Memorial Center, supplied by the Italian Consulate.   

Archbishop’s sermon at Opening Mass for Bi-centennial

In today’s Gospel Jesus offers words of consolation and encouragement to his disciples. He says to them: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul: rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of […]

Bi-centennial Opening Mass

A special Mass was celebrated at St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday 25 June 2017 to mark the opening of a year of celebration and commemoration of 200 years of Catholic faith in Southern Africa. Archbishop Stephen Brislin (Archbishop of Cape Town and President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference) was the principal celebrant, accompanied […]

Understanding ‘White Privilege’

Some issues are difficult to address; ‘white privilege’ is one of them. Some of the immediate responses you get when you use this phrase are: “I worked hard for all I have!” or “I never agreed with apartheid and never voted for the National Party” or “I am not a racist and believe in equality.” […]

Archdiocesan News 2 of 2017

HOT OFF THE PRESS: Celebrating 200 Years of Catholic Faith; A Tale of Two Marches; Mission Accomplished – our new church in Wallacedene; Hearing the Voice of the Good Shepherd; Womens’ Conference in Lentegeur; Help a Seafarer this Sea Sunday; Prayer and Life Workshops; A Lenten Journey to Easter; and lots more! [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ad-news-2-of-2017-web.pdf”]

Winter School on Addiction

Below is an info sheet on the upcoming Winter School in July. Below the info sheet are application forms, in PDF format (for printing out, filling in and faxing) and in Word format (for filling in and returning online). [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/addiction-1-1.pdf”] [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/WLTCape-Town-Registration-Form-2017-1.docx”] [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/WLTCape-Town-Registration-Form-2017-1.pdf”]

Funny Democracy

It’s always interesting to hear the President talk about democracy. It serves, at times, as a window into a mind whose thoughts on the subject rarely pass into the public without filtering through the team of lawyers that prepare him for his endless court dates. But every once in a while, he lets his guard […]

Archbishop’s Chrism Mass Homily 2017

You will be named ‘priests of the Lord’, they will call you ‘ministers of our God The last three weeks have seen tumultuous events unfold in South Africa. On the one hand we recognize that all of this is part of a democratic process and is indicative that our democracy is alive and well, and […]

Zuma Must Fall

Sample pictures from today’s demonstration outside Parliament in Cape Town. An unprecedented number of people stretched all the way down Plein Street and all the way down Roeland to Buitenkant Street.  

The Centre Holds

Attached please see a response by the SACBC Parliamentary Liaison Office regarding South Africa’s current political condition. [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/The-Centre-Holds-April-2017.pdf”]

SACC Statement on the death of Mr Ahmed Kathrada

Attached is a statement from the South African Council of Churches (SACC) on the death of Mr Ahmed Kathrada. [gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/SACC-Statement-on-Ahmed-Kathradas-Sad-Departure.pdf”]