Welcome to the Archdiocese of Cape Town
As the Archbishop of the Mother City of South Africa, of the first ecclesiastical territory to be established in Southern Africa (1818), I welcome you to this website. It is my hope that it will inform you and provide you with any information you may require regarding this segment of the Catholic Church.
We also provide links with other websites which might interest you. If you require any information not included here, email us and we will do what we can to help.
If you have discovered this page by accident, you are especially welcome and I hope you will find it of some value and maybe help you to understand how the Catholic Church in Cape Town is trying to serve the community and so bring it closer to the Lord.
With my very sincere and best wishes
+Cardinal Stephen Brislin
News & Events
A4 coffee table book
This A4 coffee table book aims to pictorially celebrate the life of faith as it is being lived in our archdiocese in this Year of Faith. It displays a cross-section of parish life, religious communities, schools, sodalities and various groups in our archdiocese. It is available through parishes, and proceeds will help towards the building […]
Ecclesia Year of Faith Facilitators’ Manual
[gview file=”http://adct.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Facilitators.pdf”]
Marriage Enrichment Workshop on 24 August at Lansdowne
The bishops’ book GOD LOVE, LIFE and SEX was successfully launched by Archbishop Stephen Brislin at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council meeting at St Joseph’s, Montana on 13 July 2013. The pictures below show him autographing copies. Click on the following link to hear his comments on the book. It is available at the Chancery at […]
Holy Childhood Mass
31 August at Lansdowne