Food parcels in response to Covid-19

On 23 April 2020, members of the St Vincent de Paul Society began packing food parcels for those in need, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The parcels contain 15 items to sustain a family for a week.

The Archdiocese of Cape Town Covid-19 food parcel campaign has begun it first distribution of 2 500 parcels. The first 830 went out today (23rd) and the balance of parcels will be sent out tomorrow (24th).  For the outlying areas, such as Lambert’s Bay and Vredenburg, virtual vouchers have been ordered, and parcels will be sent out to them.

Applications for food parcels should be made directly through your local Catholic parish. For further information please contact Eugene Jackson on 084 384 8178.

Our bishops appeal to parishes and parishioners to make contributions towards the purchase of these food parcels. A donation of R250 funds one food parcel for a family. If you are able to support a family please make your donation to this account:

Attached are a few pictures of the the St Vincent de Paul volunteers packing food parcels.

Posted in News & Events.


  1. I haven’t received any request via the parish. Has this been sufficiently promoted?

    • Dear Manuel, the Bishops have made numerous appeals to parishes and to individuals, directly and via our website, to contribute to the fund. Regards, Webmaster.

  2. Well done. Thanks to all those who have and are contributing. It’s really helping in Delft. God bless you all

  3. Has Bonteheuwel been identified as an recipient area. This working class Township is in need.

    • Hi Derek, you will need to speak to your parish priest. Kind regards, Webmaster.

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