Good afternoon Brothers and Sisters,
We are excited to announce our second annual Evangelisation Through A Lens Photo Competition, where we invite photographers from South Africa, Botswana, and Eswatini to submit high-resolution photographs that are suitable for inclusion in the Pontifical Mission Societies 2024 Liturgical Calendar.
The theme of the competition is “Evangelisation – A Day in the Life of the Church.”
The winning photo will be featured on the cover of the 2024 Liturgical Calendar, with 12 other photos featured inside the calendar.
Please Note:
1. All entries must be emailed to the National Office of the Pontifical Mission Societies by Friday the 30th June, 2023, using
2. Please include your name and the name of your parish or religious community.
3. High resolution photos must be in landscape format with a 4:6 ratio.
4. If entries feature a child or children, written consent from the parent or guardians must be obtained for both taking the photo and featuring it in the 2024 Pontifical Mission Societies Calendar.
5. A brief description of the photo can be included with the entry.
6. The National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies will choose the winning photos.
Please share with you parish groups, sodalities, Religious Congregations and individuals who record the special moments in your parish.
Fr Jeremiah Browne
National Director
Missio – Pontifical Mission Societies
South Africa – eSwatini – Botswana
+27 62 247 7698
Facebook: Pontificial.Mission.Societies