
(Blessed & Opened 1961, Dedicated 1999)

Tel: 074 914 0262

CHURCH: Corner 16th & Factreton Avenues Factreton 7405  Google Map

PRESBYTERY: Corner 16th & Factreton Avenues Factreton 7405

EMAIL ADDRESS: factreton@adct.org.za

PARISH PRIEST: Fr Anthony Padua CSsR

PARISH SECRETARY Ms Thurza Hartogh. Office hours: Mon Wed Fri 08.30-12.00

MASSES Sat (for Sun) 17.30, Sun 09.00

Mon Tue Thu Fri 08.30

CONFESSIONS Every day after Mass during the week, or by appointment

DEVOTIONS Exposition & Adoration 1st Fri of the month at 08.00

CATECHETICS Every Sunday at 08.00. RCIA every Tue at 18.30

Co-ordinator: Please contact the parish office for any queries

CHAPLAINCIES Kensington Home for the Aged