Archdiocesan Directory 2017

The 2017 Archdiocesan Directory is now available from Cape Town’s Catholic Bookshop, selling at a price of R110.

148 A5 pages, fully indexed, brimming with up to date contact details of everything Catholic in the Archdiocese of Cape Town: Chancery Administration, Chaplaincies, all Catholic Organisations & Programmes, Priests’ & Deacons’ Contact Details, Religious Orders, a quick guide to Sunday Mass times, a detailed Parish section, Catechetics Co-ordinators, Catholic Schools, a 2017 Liturgical Calendar, Anniversaries of Deceased Clergy, History, A Quick Guide to the Archdiocese, and much, much more…

Get your copy from the Catholic Bookshop (The Grimley building, 14 Tuin Plein, Cape Town) or place an order to have one posted to you, at 021 465 5904.






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