Ocean View

(Blessed & Opened 1970. Dedicated 2006)

PRIEST RESIDENT AT: St Norbert’s Priory, Kommetjie, Tel: 021 783 1768

CHURCH: Cnr Draco & Castor Way, Ocean View  Google Map

PO Box 48106 Kommetjie 7976

MASSES: Sat (for Sun) 18.15, Sun 07.00, 09.30

 Wed 09.30, Thu 19.30

CONFESSIONS Sat 17.00-18.00 & Sun before Mass

MINISTRIES SVP, Youth, Soup Kitchen, Pioneers, Choir, SCCs, liturgical dancers, altar servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

DEVOTIONS Rosary Wed 09.00 before Mass, Rosary & Mass once a week in peoples’ homes, Holy Hour and Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus every 1st Fri at 19.00.

CATECHETICS Sunday-Thursday

Co-ordinator: Ms Elaine Groenewald. Tel: 060 485 8550.