Parish Culture Survey

AD NEWS 4 OF 2023:

On 5 November 2022 the newly elected PPC Chairs of our Archdiocese gathered at St Anthony’s Parish in Langa. The meeting started with a beautiful reflection on servant leadership and our mission as leaders in the church. Archbishop Stephen Brislin gave an address on the responses from the first phase of the Synod on Synodality which was then also released on our website. This set the tone for a morning of renewal and inspiration as key focus areas were discussed including the new PPC structure, the upcoming Parish Alive Training, Caritas initiatives, the importance of empowering Youth as well as child safe-guarding within our parishes. A significant measuring tool was also presented by Brandon Abrahams through the use of parish surveys.

The Parish Culture Survey ultimately presents us with an opportunity in our Synodal journey to self-diagnose, to reveal what’s working and what’s not, so that we can get a realistic picture of where we are in terms of our Missionary Mandate. And with this information we can objectively discover the areas that still need more attention, and what more needs to be done for us to continue to progress in our Parish Culture Journey. We already have the building blocks we need to succeed. We strongly believe that by shifting the culture, we will be able to unleash incredible talent and passion across our Archdiocese and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Read the full Parish Culture Survey document on our website at

Posted in Archdiocesan News.

One Comment

  1. To whom it may concern,

    Good morning Blessings to You,

    I haven’t finished the survey as I couldn’t choose the option ” I don’t know about that”

    regards to tick a value for the married couple or anykind of such questions to say how good the parish doing it.

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