Season of Creation Webinar

As we continue the 2021 Season of Creation, we wish to invite you all to be part of a Webinar. Blue Planet – Code Red Kairos for our Common Home on Tuesday 21 September 2021 at 16:30 to 18:00. Kindly hosted by Radio Veritas, the voices of dedicated South African leaders and experts in Socio-ecology, the environment and the Catholic social teachings are joining in one voice illuminating that time has run out for all life on earth. “Code red for Humanity” is UN Antonio Guterres’ opinion on the 6th IPCC report.

Bishop Victor Phalana (Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference), Justice and Peace, Fr Chris Chatteris (St Francis Xavier Seminary, Society of Jesus South Africa), Fr Wim Lindeque (Archdiocese of Cape Town Justice and Peace), Rev. Rachel Mash (Green Anglicans South Africa), Br Terry Dowling (Christian Brothers Eco-spiritual leader), Mantopi Lebofa (Lesotho Laudato Si’ Movement Chapter Leader), Patrick Dowling (Wildlife and Environment Society South Africa), and Bernadette Crewe-Brown (Sustainable and Community Development Practitioner at Justice and Peace Archdiocese of Cape Town) are the panelists and anchors for this not to be missed Webinar.

The Webinar will be live on Zoom with only 100 participants, and live-streamed on both Radio Veritas and the SACBC Justice and Peace Facebook pages. Radio Veritas will broadcast it on 576 Medium Wave, DSTV 870 and audio live streamed. “Convert talk to action” is the message that will flow throughout the webinar including a discussion and Q&A session. 

Contact Berni Crewe-Brown for any further information or 082 855 5582.

Click on any of the available hyperlinks in the PDF below.

Posted in Season of Creation.