Vocations Discernment Classes

FROM AD NEWS 4 OF 2022: Monthly discernment classes will take place at the Chancery. Our first discernment session will be on Saturday 28 January 2023 and thereafter every last Saturday of the Month. Time: 09.45 till about 12.00.

We are aware of the fact that some young adults work on Saturdays and find it difficult to attend these sessions, however we are open to engage with them on a day that suits them. Kindly contact us directly or through your Parish Priest.

Contact Details 

Email: vocationadct@gmail.com

Facebook/Instagram: #vocationadct

Our Team Members

Sr Ann-Marie Nicholas 079 147 6968 sr.annmarie14@gmail.com

Sr Virginia Mungofa 061 267 2002 srvirginia@nazarethcare.co.za

Fr Charles Prince 083 290 0606 frcharlesprince@gmail.com

Fr Shaun Addinall 083 648 8346 fr.shaun.addinall@gmail.com

Fr Manuel Fernandes 074 282 4307 manuelfeds@gmail.com

Fr Emmanuel Eyeowa 063 029 8019 manolitotemi@gmail.com

Fr Chiedza Chimhanda 072 307 4616 chiedzachimhanda@gmail.com

Some Themes at Discernment Sessions are

Salvation History; Who I am; Prayer & Holiness; Discernment; Obedience; Celibacy; Poverty; Discipleship; Formation

Posted in Archdiocesan News.