Attached below please find a newsletter from Archbishop Stephen Brislin, as well as a para-liturgy for Holy Thursday, a new Intercessory Prayer for the Good Friday service, and a “Mass for use in the time of Pandemic”, authorized by Pope Francis.
Attached below please find a newsletter from Archbishop Stephen Brislin, as well as a para-liturgy for Holy Thursday, a new Intercessory Prayer for the Good Friday service, and a “Mass for use in the time of Pandemic”, authorized by Pope Francis.
Many of us longingly hunger to taste again the Holy Communion of the Eucharist. The suffering and sacrifices of these days are the manner of communion our crucified Lord offers to us so that we might come to know his glory, the glory of his mercy and the radiance of his grace. The wondrous charity poured out for our sins kindly commands us, “As I have done so you must do.” Through every Eucharist we share in the Lord’s suffering and death so as to share in his resurrection. In every Sacrifice of the Mass the Lord’s wounds heal us. By a mysterious while marvelous paradox, the plaguing scourge of this pandemic keeping us from coming together in our churches for the Eucharist unites us now in suffering and sacrifice with the crucified Christ. The Lord Jesus urges us to see “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him.”
Dear concerned Christian. You need to be more specific and provide more detail. You are making an accusation without facts. In times like these it is a serious violation of the law to be spreading false information, even it is based on hearsay. Please refrain from making any such accusations in future. Our priests are well aware of the situation and it is highly unlikely that they will deviate or disobey instructions which have come from the Archbishop.
Good day,
I have been informed that one of the Churches within your Archdiocese is planning to open to the public next week even though we are in national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I never take to Facebook with matters like this however I have no other choice. We have called the Church. We called CT Emergency Communications Line. No one is willing to take this seriously. There are thousands of people worldwide dying daily. It is an absolute shame that the Church is not adhering to the lockdown. Yes, it probably is safer to go to church than to go shopping but the fact is that it is a risk none the less. It saddens me to say that some are not looking at the bigger picture. Every time we leave the house we are putting people at risk. No matter how small. Not only are we risking those around us but also increasing the risk for the ambulance staff, the nurses, the Dr’s and the cleaning staff.
Please advise on what the Archdiocese policy’s is on the above matter.
a concerned Christian