Archdiocesan News 4 of 2021

OUR FINAL EDITION FOR 2021: Developing the Synodal Way; Synod Implementation and Training; Ministries Morning of Formation and Reflection: Thelogy Course 2022; the Blue Blanket; Youth Synod Report, Retreat, XLT, Life Teen and Edge, Youth Hike and Mass; CPD Dates for your Diaries; A Joyful November at Delft; Cathedral Christmas Choir Celebration; Caritas Initiatives; Give a Child a pair of shoes this Christmas; Norbertines celebrate 900 years; Catholic Schools’ News; Bellville Mini-Mission; The Impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health; Celebrating a Catechetical Year of Training and Formation; Betty’s Bay church rebuilt after devastating fire; Second Collections breakdown and comparison; News from St Joseph’s Home.

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