A Message from Archbishop Brislin

Please see the embedded video message from Archbishop Stephen Brislin concerning the Coronavirus.

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  1. Good Bishop,
    I have a question that needs the answer from the “Horses mouth” so to speak. Myself and my fiancé played to be married on the 2nd May 2020. In marriage class we where told that it has been now restricted to 100 people or less and only immediate family. It that correct and is the views still the same going forward or will it change before such married date?


  2. Thank you so much Arch Bishop Brislin for including the community (church) in such a beautiful way that we will be able to witness the mass via the internet with you .God Bless you for this amazing spiritual experience .Amen🙏🙏

  3. Thank you for your wonderful encouraging message, we have been very fortunate to have being able to receive communion daily for so long yes we must offer this time upto our Lord Jesus Christ, so meny people all over the world haven’t been able to receive communion daily. God bless you.

  4. God help us fighting the corovid 19 let’s pray together to keep doing routine of the rosary.

  5. In this time of danger let us reflect on the privilege of being able to freely go to Holy Mass and receive the blessed Eurcharist. We live in a time where Holy Mass is streamed live each day so as to enable us to spiritually attend and receive Christ in our hearts.
    When the danger has past let us have grown in the knowledge of just how blest we are to have Holy Mass and Communion daily.
    Thank you for your guidance and may His Holy Spirit be with you and protect you all.
    Dawn Oliver
    Parish of the Resurrection

  6. God bless you for your caring outreach to all of us during these difficult times.
    I for one welcome every one of your communications and am planning to follow carefully your “Spiritual Communion Service” all alone in my home many times over.
    Most of all I will miss the Triduum this year. Perhaps there will be a programme in which we can participate online or practice in our homes this Holy Week?
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You remind us that we are never alone. God is always with us and we have our Archdiocese caring for us. Deo Gratias. Blessings and grace to you all.

    • This is so beautiful to see that our church goes into the streets and suburbs of the city….ay this not be the last time… I do not know if this was ever done before… but may it be a time of healing and blessings for all.
      Thanks Antoinette.

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